RV Tips: 3 Tips for RVing with Pets

Whether you’re planning an extended stay and don’t want to have to board your pet, or you enjoy a weekend away without leaving your furry friend at home, these RV tips can help. You’ll want to ensure you and your pets are comfortable on the drive and at the campground, learn how below.

happy dog camping

Keep Them Safe on the Way

First and foremost, you have to make sure everyone is safe while you’re on the road. The first thing you should know is that no pets or people should be in the RV while is in motion. If you have a motorhome, be sure to have your pet created while you’re on the move; for a towable RV, the pet should ride in the cab of the towing vehicle with you.

Don’t Leave Them Alone

Campgrounds typically have a policy against leaving your pet in your RV or at your campsite unattended. Be sure to check with your campground about their pet policies and plan around never leaving your pet unattended at your campsite.

puppy on a hike

Plan Outings for You and Your Pet

One of the best ways to ensure both you and your pet. Enjoy your time by planning outings with your pet. Look into local parks; whether it’s hiking trails, getting out on the water, or taking a walking tour of the local shops, ensure you can take your pet with you. This will help keep your pet from making noise at the campground while you’re away and keep her safe in case of power failure or anything that could cause your AC not to work correctly.
Contact us today to find the perfect pet-friendly RV for all of your vacations.

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